Colombian Gold
Feminised, Indoor

Référence : 8537-3

Fabricant :

1 Objet Attention : Derniers articles en stock !

19,50 €

  • 3 graines

Fiche technique

Sexe Féminisée
Variété Principalement Sativa (min 70%)
Floraison Photopériode
La teneur en THC Haut (11% - 19%)
Site de Plantation Intérieur
Gains Intérieur (g/m²) Haut (401 - 500g/m²)
Gains Extérieur (g/plante) Très Haut (plus de 500g)
Apogée Intérieur 11 Semaines
Récolte mois extérieur Novembre
Génétique Sierra de Santa Marta (Colombia)

Plus d'info

This Sativa strain is the result of a combination of pure strains from the Santa Marta mountain range in Colombia that is home to the country’s highest peaks. Below 2,500m, where the soil is very fertile, can be found anything from typical Andean woods to dense tropical jungle.

Cannabis has been cultivated in this area for many generations and, by trying to improve the plant’s medicinal properties through continual interbreeding, the local inhabitants have achieved some of the most genetically pure strains in existence. Our breeder brought back many seeds from this region and we worked with them to produce this tall, vigorous, branchy strain with an intense, sweet fragrance that stands out above all for her taste and potent, psychedelic effects.

Breeder Info

Genotype 100% Sativa
THC 19,3%
Maturation(Interior) from 75 to 90 days
Maturation(Exterior) late November
Flavor Sweet fruit
Way of cropping Ind/Out
Production 350gr indoor / 450-600gr outdoor
Odor Very High
Effect Cerebral
Resistance to mold Medium
Pest resistance Medium
Irrigation tolerance Not specified
Medicinal Value Medium

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