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Botafumeiro | Feminised, Indoor & Outdoor

Botafumeiros | Feminised, Indoor & Outdoor

Référence :

Fabricant :

1 Objet

17,40 €


24,90 €

  • 5 graines + 2 bonus

Fiche technique

Sexe 01 Féminisée
Variété 01 Principalement Indica (min 70%)
Floraison 01 Photopériode
Site de Plantation 03 Intérieur & Extérieur
Gains Intérieur (g/m²) 03 Haut (401 - 500g/m²)
Gains Extérieur (g/plante) 04 Très Haut (plus de 500g)
Apogée Intérieur 10 Semaines
Récolte mois extérieur 10 Octobre

Plus d'info

Variety created from a predominately Sativa genetic selection, suitable for cultivation both indoors and outdoors. The long flowering period of this variety, about ten weeks, is widely offset by its rapid growth and high production.

Mostly sativa plant with Haze and Asiatic ancestors. With long stems and branches, the plants grow very fast and with a lot of vigour. When planted directly on the ground in outdoor grows it can reach to more than 3 metres of height. The plants are also adapted to the requirements of indoor and SCROG grows.

The aromas that follow these flowers are mostly spicy and scented, finding in some, a touch of anise. The effect of this variety is lively, stimulating and lucid. Plant suitable for cultivation in humid climates due to its resistance to fungal attack.

Breeder Info

Indica/Sativa: 25/75 %
Indoor Yield: 400-600 g/m2
Outdoor Yield: 400-800 g/plant
Indoor Blooming: 10 weeks
Outdoor Harvest: mid to late October

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