Feminised, Auto, Indoor & Outdoor

Référence : 9809-5

Fabricant :

1 Objet Attention : Derniers articles en stock !

35,00 €

  • 5 graines

Fiche technique

Sexe Féminisée
Variété Principalement Sativa (min 70%)
Floraison Autofloraison
La teneur en THC Très haut (plus de 19%)
Site de Plantation Intérieur & Extérieur
Gains Intérieur (g/m²) Moyen (301 - 400g/m²)
Gains Extérieur (g/plante) Faible (sous 60g)
Hauteur de la plante intérieur (cm) Moyen (61 - 110cm)
Hauteur de la plante extérieur (cm) Faible (sous 100cm)
Apogée Intérieur 06 Semaines
cycle de vie (Auto) semaines
Génétique White Dwarf x Skunk x Lavender

Plus d'info

Developed using original White Dwarf x Skunk genes, which were then crossed with Lavender then re-crossed to preserve their autoflowering properties, practically all the most highly valued characteristics of Lavender are preserved in this genial automatic. A compact, resinous plant, it has a strong, mainly sweet and fruity scent that can take on decidedly citric, almost exotic, overtones that remind us of mango and lavender. Extremely potent effect. This strain will grow for around 14 days after which it will enter a fast flowering cycle. Ultraviolet will be ready approximately 72 days after germination. With proper care, we can expect yields topping 60g per plant even indoors.

Breeder Info

Genotype mainly sativa THC 21%
Indoor Harvest Time 6 weeks
Flavour Sweet fruit
Way of cropping Ind/Out
Production 40-70 gr/plant indoor/outdoor
Smell Medium
Efect Euphoric
Resistance to mold Very high
Outdoor Harvest Time Automatic (45 days)
Resistance to plagues Medium
Irrigation tolerancy Medium
Medicinal value High


indoor Auto MF 2014

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