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La Blanca | Feminised, Indoor & Outdoor

La Blanca
Feminised, Indoor & Outdoor

Référence : 9931-5

Fabricant :

3 Articles

20,00 €


25,00 €

  • 5 graines + 2 bonus
  • 100 graines

Fiche technique

Sexe Féminisée
Variété Indica / Sativa
Floraison Photopériode
La teneur en THC Haut (11% - 19%)
La teneur en CBD Très Faible (sous 1%)
Site de Plantation Intérieur & Extérieur
Gains Intérieur (g/m²) Haut (401 - 500g/m²)
Gains Extérieur (g/plante) Très Haut (plus de 500g)
Hauteur de la plante intérieur (cm) Haut (plus de 110cm)
Hauteur de la plante extérieur (cm) Haut (161 - 220cm)
Apogée Intérieur 08 Semaines
Récolte mois extérieur Septembre
Génétique Black Domina x Snow White x Great White Shark

Plus d'info

This cross is the result of the careful selection of Great White Shark and Snow White (the original genotype of La Blanca), which in our opinion matched most closely the selection parameters. The GWS is well known for its high THC and CBD levels, together with its medicinal properties as appetite enhancer and peripheral muscle relaxant. Its Skunk #1 heritage adds sweetness to its penetrating smell from the end of the growing period and the beginning of flowering.

To stabilize this plant, we crossed it once again with the predominantly indica Black Domina. This cross gives it a shorter flowering time — eight weeks indoors and by mid-September outdoors. The yield is fairly high for a hybrid with sativa touches (such as the structure): around 500 grams per square metre. With a height of 70-85 cm indoors you can obtain an abundant harvest. These plants may reach up to 2.5 m when grown outdoors.

Breeder Info

Flowering cycle: 60 days
Production: 500 gr/m2

Harvest: end September
Medium height: 200 cm
Production: 700 gr/plant

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