Payment Info

Payment Info

  1. Prepayment in Cash by Post
    Details will be provided with your order confirmation.

    As too many letters didn't arrive we have to deactivate this option temporarily.
  2. Prepayment by bank transfer
    Details will be provided with your order confirmation.
  3. Prepayment by Postcash (not from Austria)
    Details will be provided with your order confirmation.
    Further information:
  4. Bitcoins
    Details are given during order processing.
    Keep your Bitcoin Wallet handy, the payment process is integrated into the order processing. You have about 10 minutes to submit the amount during the order process.

Age Verification

For this site you need to be at least 18 years old. Please enter your birthdate to gain access to the desired section or press the back button on your browser to get back to safety :)