Hollands Hope
Regular, Indoor & Outdoor

Referenz: 8123-1


4 Produkte

38,00 €

  • 10 Samen

Sorten Details

Geschlecht Regulär
Variety Hauptsächlich Indica (min 70%)
Blütetyp Photoperiodisch
Anbauort Indoor & Outdoor
Ertrag Indoor (g/m²) Hoch (401 - 500g/m²)
Ertrag Outdoor (g/Pflanze) Hoch (200 - 500g)
Pflanzenhöhe Indoor (cm) Hoch (über 110cm)
Pflanzenhöhe Outdoor (cm) Sehr hoch (über 220cm)
Blütezeit Indoor 07 Wochen
Erntemonat Outdoor Oktober
Genetik Viking x Skunk

Hersteller Informationen

One of the first cannabis varieties designed for tough outdoor conditions. Since the early Eighties Holland's Hope seeds have flourished in the Netherlands, raising the standard for Dutch outdoor weed. This strain was named for her ability to finish flowering and produce excellent results in a wet and changeable summer - thus giving hope to Holland’s outdoor growers!

Holland’s Hope is a fungus-resistant pure Indica. She produces solid, heavy buds with a knock-down stone. Plants remain compact by outdoor standards and can produce a remarkable harvest, even in an unremarkable summer.

Breeder Info

Cool /Cold
Hollands Hope is a tough, early flowering strain suitable to be grown outside in most climates
Average height gain
Hollands Hope will have average height gain during flowering.
Flowering 50 - 60 days
Yield Heavy Yield
Hollands Hope can produce a very large yield, but may require a little extra care to achieve their full potential.
90% Indica

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