Sugar Black Rose
Feminised, Indoor & Outdoor

Referenz: 9646-3


2 Produkte

27,00 €

  • 3 Samen
  • 5 Samen

Sorten Details

Geschlecht Feminisiert
Variety Hauptsächlich Indica (min 70%)
Blütetyp Photoperiodisch
THC Inhalt Sehr Hoch (über 19%)
Anbauort Indoor & Outdoor
Ertrag Indoor (g/m²) Hoch (401 - 500g/m²)
Ertrag Outdoor (g/Pflanze) Sehr hoch (über 500g)
Blütezeit Indoor 07 Wochen
Erntemonat Outdoor September
Genetik Critical Mass X Black Domina

Hersteller Informationen

Our Sugar Black Rose is, without doubt, one of the tastiest Indicas we have ever laid our hands on. It is the result of crossing Critical Mass with our highly-prized 1998 Black Domina mother. This variety is the best example of the Domina phenotype and the most highly valued by lovers of this strain. Indoors, this can be a short, compact plant though, if given sufficient space, it can also develop considerably with abundant lateral branches.

Outdoors, in large pots or directly in the ground, it can get very tall and, above all, it can develop very large secondary branches, making it a wide, round plant. Because of this, this is a very discreet plant but also produces very good yields. The buds have a sweet, fruity fragrance like orange or other sweet citrus fruits.

The taste is like mature grapes and flowers with a touch of skunk that is really interesting. When we exhale the smoke or vapour, we may detect an aftertaste that is slightly spicy yet sweet. The effect of Sugar Black Rose is instantaneous and very longlasting. Almost narcotic, it’ll soon put you in a deeply relaxed state. Very suitable for medicinal usage and for indica lovers in general as it also causes mild cerebral stimulation.

Breeder Info

Genotype 20% Sativa - 80% Indica
THC 25%
Maturation(Interior) 50 to 55 days
Maturation(Exterior) mid-September
Flavor Sweet fruit
Production 400-450 gr/m2 indoor / 900 gr/pl outdoor
Odor High
Effect Medicinal
Resistance to mold High
Pest resistance Not specified
Lineage Critical Mass X Black Domina
Irrigation tolerance High
Medicinal Value Very high


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